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Rebecca Dudley
Political Science
Brigham Young University
PhD, Duke University (2023)
Security, Peace & Conflict
Pre-Doctoral Fellow (2021-2023)
America in the World Consortium at Duke University
Graduate Fellow (2022-2023)
Triangle Institute for Security Studies
Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow (2021-2022)
Notre Dame International Security Center
Graduate Fellow (2019-2022)
Duke Program in American Grand Strategy
I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, teaching courses in American Foreign Policy and Civil Wars. I received my PhD in Political Science at Duke University, with specializations in Security, Peace & Conflict and Political Methodology (applied statistics).
I was a Pre-Doctoral Fellow with the America in the World Consortium at Duke University and a Graduate Fellow with the Triangle Institute for Security Studies. I was previously the Graduate Fellow for the Duke Program in American Grand Strategy (2019-2022), and a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at the Notre Dame International Security Center (2021-2022). My research focuses on conflict resolution and foreign policy, emphasizing the role of third parties in the dynamics of conflict and conflict resolution. My dissertation examined the decision of third-party states to become diplomatically involved in a resolution process, with an emphasis on U.S. diplomatic foreign policy.
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